Break Through Your Artist’s Block: Tactics for Finding New Inspiration

The creative journey The “inspiration, motivation, action” cycle is a common experience for many of us as we create our work. Inspiration is the spark that ignites the creative process. It can come from a variety of sources, such as nature, other works of art, personal experiences, or even random thought. Inspiration is often described… Continue reading Break Through Your Artist’s Block: Tactics for Finding New Inspiration

Have a go: The Wonderful Benefits of Painting

The magic of painting As an artist, I have found that painting is an enjoyable and absorbing experience. I often lose track of time while painting, getting lost in the creative process and forget about everything else around me. I find myself fully engaged, focused and in my own little world of imagination. Painting is… Continue reading Have a go: The Wonderful Benefits of Painting

Quiet Down Your Artist Mind: Proven Strategies For Sleep

Need some sleep? Many artists, writers, and other creative individuals have experienced the feeling of their creative brains not shutting off when they are trying to sleep at night. This can be a frustrating and overwhelming experience, but there are things you can do to manage it. Keep a notebook by your bed: Having a… Continue reading Quiet Down Your Artist Mind: Proven Strategies For Sleep

How to Overcome Procrastination: Tips for Artists

Creating without delay As an artist, it’s easy to fall into the trap of procrastination. Whether you’re staring at a blank canvas, delaying the start of a new project, or putting off finishing a piece you’ve already started, procrastination can be a major obstacle to getting your work done. But don’t worry, there are ways… Continue reading How to Overcome Procrastination: Tips for Artists

Suffer from artist’s block? How to get unstuck (6 ways)

You’ve likely heard of writer’s block, the dreaded phenomenon where a writer is unable to come up with new ideas or continue with their current work. But did you know that this same type of creative stagnation can also affect visual artists, musicians, and other creatives? This is known as “artist’s block.” If you’re an… Continue reading Suffer from artist’s block? How to get unstuck (6 ways)

The Artist Comparison Trap Holds You Back – How To Overcome It

The Artist Comparison Trap: A Common Struggle As artists, we are constantly bombarded with images of other people’s work, whether it’s on social media, in galleries, or on display in public spaces. It’s easy to fall into the trap of constantly comparing ourselves to others and feeling like we’ll never measure up. But the truth… Continue reading The Artist Comparison Trap Holds You Back – How To Overcome It

Make It As An Artist: 9 Elements To Empower You

1. Discover your unique style and let it shine When it comes to developing your style and art medium, pay attention to what you naturally gravitate towards. Chances are, that’s where you’ll have the most fun and be able to push boundaries. But if it’s not, don’t worry! Don’t try to force it. If you’re… Continue reading Make It As An Artist: 9 Elements To Empower You

5 Ways To Overcome Your Fear Of Sharing Your Art

Not sure where to start? Sharing your art with a wider audience for the first time can be a daunting task, but it is an important step in the journey of an artist. The fear of rejection and criticism can be overwhelming, but it’s important to remember that everyone starts somewhere. Here are five reasons… Continue reading 5 Ways To Overcome Your Fear Of Sharing Your Art

Get free from comparison – Make art with confidence.

“There is no right or wrong in art.” I think she told us that to disarm our fear of failure and comparing ourselves to each other. In that one sentence, she reassured our entire class that no one’s art is better or worse than the person sitting next to them. She was encouraging us to… Continue reading Get free from comparison – Make art with confidence.