Unleash Your Creativity: How to sketch from Nature

Let’s go get some fresh air

Drawing or sketching from nature is a wonderful way to connect with the natural world and improve your artistic skills. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist, the beauty and tranquillity of nature can provide endless inspiration for your artwork.

In this post, I’ll be providing you with a simple step-by-step guide on how to get started with drawing or sketching from nature. From finding the perfect location to observing your subject and starting to sketch, I’ll be sharing tips and tricks to help you make the most of your outdoor art experience. Whether you’re looking to capture the beauty of a landscape or the unique characteristics of a plant or animal, this guide will help you get started.

1. Find a suitable location

When drawing or sketching from nature, the first step is to find a suitable location. Look for a spot that has a good view of the subject you want to draw, whether it be a landscape, an animal, or a plant. Make sure you have a comfortable place to sit or stand, and that you have enough light to see what you are drawing.

One of my favourite spots for sketching where I live in Wainuiomata is by the Wainuiomata River, and it’s even more fun when I take my kids there for a play. It’s a great way for me to combine my love for sketching and spending time with my family. The river provides a picturesque setting, perfect for capturing the joy and energy of my kids as they play. There are always ducks around, which adds an extra element of fun for my kids and also provides a great subject for me to sketch.

Even if you live in the city, there are still plenty of opportunities to find a great location for sketching in nature. It’s important to think about the environment around you and to be open to exploring new places. Take a look at the parks and green spaces in your area, they can be a great place to start.

Many cities have parks and gardens that are designed to provide an oasis of nature within the urban landscape. These parks often have a variety of different landscapes, such as gardens, lakes, and even small forests, that can provide a wealth of subjects to draw.

Look for a spot that has a good view of the subject you want to draw. With a little bit of creativity, you can find a perfect location to sketch, even in the city.

2. Observe your subject

Once you have found a good location, the next step is to observe your subject. Take the time to really look at what you are drawing, and notice the details and shapes that make it unique. Look for patterns, textures, and shadows that will add depth and interest to your drawing.

3. Create a simple frame

Before you start sketching, create a simple frame on your paper by drawing a rectangle or square that will contain your drawing. This will help you to keep your proportions in check as you draw.

4. Start sketching

With your location and subject chosen, you are now ready to start sketching. Use simple lines to capture the basic shapes and structure of your subject. Don’t worry about getting everything perfect at this stage, just focus on getting the proportions and relationships between the elements of your drawing right. Once you have the basic sketch down, you can then add details and shading to give your drawing more depth and realism.


  • Bring the right tools for the job, such as a pencil, sketchpad or notebook, and eraser.
  • If you are drawing a landscape, it can be helpful to start by sketching the horizon line and the position of the sun or other light sources.
  • Take breaks to stretch your legs and take in the natural beauty around you.
  • Don’t be discouraged if your first sketches don’t look quite right, keep practising and experimenting with different techniques.

You got this!

I hope you enjoyed this article. If you need some encouragement be sure to check this out:

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He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul”

– Psalm 23:2

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